MisQue's Adventures

Monday, June 19, 2006

who knew?

So after an eventful day at early registration on saturday june 17, I had made plans to go out with some friends. Not to much different than my life in CT... well this night turned out to be less than interesting. We have plans to go to a club in Durham and get lost for close to 2 hours. fun. We eventually find the club about and hour before they close, so we spent about an hour dancing and well realizing that I enjoy bars more than clubs. After we leave and drive home with no incidents, I arrive back to Meredith, where I am staying until Thursday with Grace, my suitemate for next year. Well, my camcard doesn't work and won't let me into the building. So, doing what I always do, I call the campus security and ask them to let me in the door. Officer Fuller comes and grills me about why I am here if I am "not a student". (Apparently, if you aren't currently taking classes you aren't a student at Meredith. News to everyone that I tell this too.) So, because I am not a student and am staying with a girl that is a student but was home to celebrate Father's Day I had spend some quality time with Officer Lucky until Crystal came and got me... did I mention this all happened at 4am? Crystal is a saint and I owe her more than my life... oh yea and she's the shit. So, apparently I was breaking an honor code. who knew? Again, no one did until I told them. Well, everything is okay now and no charges will be held against me. I just have more grey hairs now... thanks MC.


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