Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Tonight I held a social for the Borderlinks crew... Anne and I made BINGO cards, had prizes (and everyone won b/c thats the best way to play VALENTINE'S BINGO), put up a bannor, made cupcakes with homemade PINK frosting, and had a good time. I love this day and I really don't know why but I find that even though it is a corprate love day, I like to share my love around. I don't expect anything in return other than a thank you. Everyone enjoyed the cupcakes so I'm happy. Today I was a little grumpy/stresses/overwhelmed but then I took a walk to the library and made my cupcakes and everything was better... oh i had a couple bowls of ice cream too... but all in all it was a wonderful day full of love and laughter. I got the best Valentine's from everyone and they are just so cute. I love kids Valentine's cards... one just tells it like it is... Its a SNOOPY Valentine and on the outside you help woodstock fly home in a little game and when you open it up you see SNOOPY and Woodstock in Woodstocks home (that you just helped him find) looking at eachother and smiling. On the other side is a big heart that says "Friends are wHat tuRn ValeNtine'S Days into HAPPY ValentiNe's Days!" How true that is. That is why I love this day so much. I have the best friends. Thank you. Thank you for blessing my life and being my friend. Also, my sister sent one out via email that made my night. She's such a nerd but I love her for it. And here it is for ya'll to enjoy it too.... 
Happy Valentine's Day friends! Hope you had a good day. Until next time....

Happy Valentine's Day friends! Hope you had a good day. Until next time....
At 5:06 PM,
Roudy said…
I had three double chocolate cookies tonight. And I was falling asleep in class so later I ate lots of candy--skittles and gummies. I was so hyper I couldn't sit still! Ok, I miss you . Glad you liked my valentine. love you.
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