MisQue's Adventures

Friday, June 15, 2007


Hey Y'all! I finished my first week at camp and woooboy it was a long few days of reading stacks and stacks of paper and transitioning into my group. It has been a little difficult b/c of my co-cheif not being here all week! It was defineately a week of flexability. My co-councelor was in Jamaca for some business at home and when she tried to get back into this country they wouldn't let her and problems just kept holding her up and then the weather delayed her flights many times. I finally got to pick her up yesterday evening and took her to camp and then left for my time off (TO). This week was a little difficult for all of us in group. There wasn't much stability b/c we were getting different Chiefs everyday and night since I haven't had training and can't be left alone in group. And that was difficult having me transition in with the some of the boys staying on track and others pushing the boundries, schedule changes that made some upset, and we had a new boy come in this week. It was a full loaded week and I am looking forward to having Cheif Colleen back so we can start working together! :)

The theme of this week is being positive! I have become aware of the simple fact of staying positive. I have always felt that way but because I have to say it and keep these boys on track with their goals I realize how vital positivity is. What good is going to come about if you put up a stink and get down and out when things don't go your way? All it will do is put you and possibly others in bad moods and nothing productive will get done.

Some of the boys have started challenging my authority and testing boundries as I knew they would but I didn't expect them to pout and whine as much as they do.. goodness how much they pout! One thing changes.. THE WORLD IS OVER B/C I DIDN'T GET MY WAY!!! Oh I am just heart broken. Others in the group are great motivators. You can tell the differences in the ages and the way they act. I only have 5 boys right now... we were suppose to get another one but he just didn't want to come so he didn't. As each day passes I'm getting more comfortable and more familiar with the way things are run at camp. Everyone has welcomed me in warmly and I'm glad I'm here. It's hard sometimes not to be able to just go and get things done but I'm sure my TO will be full of that! I have started to be able to know my way around Lowgap, Mt. Airy and Dobson... small towns, very country roads and takes about 30 mintues to get anywhere. Not to far differnt from home. (side note: there is a family worker here that is from Norwich! how crazy is that?)

I must be off to do some "grown up" things and get my errans done. I love and miss you all!!

Until next time...

Monday, June 11, 2007


I sit at a computer alone in a huge house (which won't seem huge when there are more than just me here) after my first day of work at Camp E-Mun-Talee. It was a long day of paper work, reading and more reading and reading is not my strong point. I made it through with plenty of smiles, hugs and words of encouragement and now I wait for my laundry to be done and reflect.

Since I last wrote in April, a lot has happened. I graduated from Meredith College and with bittersweet tears I shut my dorm door and left my home of four years. It was only 3 days after graduation that I went off and had my camp visit here at E-Mun-Talee and found my new home. Something just seems to lead me to these places where I am most comfortable, almost as if to say... you're making a HUGE change so I thought this would help. Everyone is really welcoming and excited for me to be here.

After my camp visit, I went home for 3 weeks. I accepted the job, got all my doctors appointments done before I was no longer on my parents insurance, bought a car, got a loan, got my own car insurance and health insurance, caught up with friends and at the end of all of that, I moved down to NC to start my new adventure. Mom and I drove down on Saturday to Raleigh and the morning of Sunday I dropped her off at the airport and made my way to my new home, through many tears. The fear of the unknown mixed with the fear of no longer being an independent was overwhelming my excitement. I arrived mid-afternoon on Sunday and set up camp (pun intended) at the Time Off House. There was another chief here and we hung out and went out for some great Mexican food. This house is a frat house to best describe it...a little more dirty than I like to live but I have been doing a lot of cleaning this evening... Anyways my day started well, I got up and went to camp today for my first day full of paperwork as I said before and at lunch I met my group. I'm going into a new group so there are only 5 boys so far in the group. It will get up to no more than 10 once my co-counselor and I are together more. They seemed excited to meet me and I as well with them. I am looking forward to getting to know them all individually and helping them grow. After hours of paperwork I was able to come home where I cleaned, ate some food and just have been relaxing. Tomorrow I get my drug test done in the morning and finish the rest of the paper work. I should be in group by lunch or soon after and will stay with them until my next days off. Once I got there this morning, my fears and insecurities just melted away and my excitement which was buried has come out and am ready to get going.

Well, I'm tired and I have a full day a head of me so I am going to hit the sack. I will try to update as often as I get a chance... keep checking in! One never knows what will happen with me and the life I live! :)

Until next time friends...